Monday, April 24, 2017

Implementing Municipal Health Insurance Funds

Based in New Jersey, Joseph DiBella directs the Employee Benefits Division at Conner Strong & Buckelew and engages actively with clients in a benefits consulting role. Joseph DiBella works in areas such as compliance as well as health and wellness program design and implementation. One area he helps clients navigate involves the establishment of health insurance funds (HIF).

With employee benefits rising rapidly and representing the second largest expense faced by New Jersey municipalities, health care solutions require a multifaceted approach. HIF models enable local school districts and local government agencies to leverage their collective size and negotiate optimal financial arrangements spanning administrators and insurance carriers. This results in benefits that are less costly and more effectively managed. 

As another advantage, HIF frameworks enable entities to maintain benefit plans separately, in ways that do not compromise obligations under collective bargaining agreements. The bottom line is that municipalities gain a greater ownership interest in the management of health insurance claims and benefit risks.